Via a flashable update. Choose one. (These sometimes require wifi)
Make sure you backup Talk.apk just in case.
CM7, works for most, some report an error.
Alternate1, this version simply copies the two system files, no mounting. (via puertoblack2003)
Alternate2, uses busybox to mount/unmount /system. This is an unsigned zip. (via abhi0n0nakul)
Alternate3: This full google apps pack from 20110503 includes it.
Using a root capable file management app like root explorer
Installing using Root Explorer (via I2asta)
- Many have reported the inability to switch between cameras. We will probably need to wait for the full 2.3.4 update.
- After installing, click on your own avatar in Google Talk and check "Allow video and voice chats" to enable. (via BluechipJ)
- Video does not work by default for most non Nexus S phones. Other threads note that you need 'GoogleServicesFramework.apk' from the 050311 google apps pack.
Google Talk 1.3 intall with rootmanager <<< link
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